

Retail real estate is regarded by investors as an exciting asset class that generates lasting enthusiasm.
The issue of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) is playing an increasingly important role in the success of retail real estate because of two reasons: Politicians and, above all, society have recognized the importance of sustainable action and are increasingly demanding it. Sustainable action offers economic advantages. Numerous studies prove this.

Social, ecological and ethical responsibility

MEC has always been aware of its social, ecological and ethical responsibility and has long had corresponding behaviors on its match plan - internally with regard to our team, externally with regard to the management of the properties entrusted to us.

This is visible in many things, for example in our environmentally friendly service offerings EASY and FAME.

EASY is a top performer when it comes to a property's energy efficiency: a DIN-compliant, standardized energy audit that helps to easily discover and exploit energy and CO₂ savings potential in shopping centers and retail properties and reduce operating costs

FAME is an FM standard practiced on a daily basis at many of the sites we manage. Among other things, it ensures that service providers on site promptly report any potential savings they have identified. Less energy consumption, less water consumption, fewer cleaning agents - there are many things that can be seen and improved during ongoing operations.

Neben ökologischen Aspekten spielen die Themen „Soziales“ und „Governance“ eine wichtige Rolle für uns – innerhalb ebenso wie außerhalb unserer Organisation. Eine verantwortliche Unternehmensführung bedeutet für uns zum Beispiel, unsere Mitarbeiter ohne Einschränkung fair zu behandeln und ihnen Raum für Mitbestimmung zu geben. Entsprechend setzen wir auf hohe Compliance-Standards, die uns im Binnenverhältnis Halt geben und die den hohen Ansprüchen unserer Auftraggeber gerecht werden.

In addition to ecological aspects, the topics of "social" and "governance" play an important role for us - both within and outside our organization. For us, responsible corporate governance means, for example, treating our employees fairly without restriction and giving them space for participation. Accordingly, we rely on high compliance standards that give us support internally and meet the high demands of our clients.

Sustainability as a guiding concept

This is why sustainability is not a future issue for us, but a guiding concept that has guided our actions for some time now. As a result, we have acquired a high level of consulting and implementation competence, which we can take into account in the management of retail real estate in a depth that is individually oriented to the wishes of our customers. Setting sustainable accents through efficient work, for the success of our clients, but also for the well-being of society, is our daily drive. To achieve this, the disciplines involved in the management of retail real estate are perfectly coordinated. That is why MEC focuses on cooperation and why we are the performance center for sustainable retail real estate.

Measures in the field of Environment


Measures in the social area

Governance measures

as an opportunity

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Our current FMZ Report Vol. 8