Social, ecological and ethical responsibility
MEC has always been aware of its social, ecological and ethical responsibility and has long had corresponding behaviors on its match plan - internally with regard to our team, externally with regard to the management of the properties entrusted to us.
This is visible in many things, for example in our environmentally friendly service offerings EASY and FAME.
FAME is an FM standard practiced on a daily basis at many of the sites we manage. Among other things, it ensures that service providers on site promptly report any potential savings they have identified. Less energy consumption, less water consumption, fewer cleaning agents - there are many things that can be seen and improved during ongoing operations.
Neben ökologischen Aspekten spielen die Themen „Soziales“ und „Governance“ eine wichtige Rolle für uns – innerhalb ebenso wie außerhalb unserer Organisation. Eine verantwortliche Unternehmensführung bedeutet für uns zum Beispiel, unsere Mitarbeiter ohne Einschränkung fair zu behandeln und ihnen Raum für Mitbestimmung zu geben. Entsprechend setzen wir auf hohe Compliance-Standards, die uns im Binnenverhältnis Halt geben und die den hohen Ansprüchen unserer Auftraggeber gerecht werden.
In addition to ecological aspects, the topics of "social" and "governance" play an important role for us - both within and outside our organization. For us, responsible corporate governance means, for example, treating our employees fairly without restriction and giving them space for participation. Accordingly, we rely on high compliance standards that give us support internally and meet the high demands of our clients.
Sustainability as a guiding concept
Measures in the field of Environment
- EASY: High performer in the energy efficiency of a property
- FAME: Facility Management standard for reporting savings potential, among other things
- Integration of e-charging infrastructure for e-cars and photovoltaics at properties entrusted to us
- Actions in the context of refurbishment of T.E.C., e.g. charging stations for e-bikes
- Reduction of resources including energy, water, paper e.g. by linking light switches to motion detectors, automated cooling ceilings, treated tap water, certified environmentally friendly paper for publications
- Reduction of travel activities
- Fleet management: expansion of company car policy to include e-mobility and clearly defined limits for CO₂ emissions per kilometer
- Solution-oriented collaboration with service partners at a site to make it more environmentally friendly, e.g., cleaning methods, waste management, energy-saving light sources
Measures in the social area
- Events on environmental topics at our locations to raise consumer awareness; presentation of ideas and solutions for more environmentally friendly actions
- MEC is a co-determined company (works council)
- Vorteile der MitarbeiterInnen durch diverse Maßnahmen u. a. großzügige Regelungen zu Flexwork sowie Weiterbildungen bei MitarbeiterInnen, Zuschuss zum Krankengeld und Mittagessen, eine Beteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg
- Activities by the centers: Support for sports clubs, vacation camps for disadvantaged children and young people, children's hospices, food donations in the "Teller füllen" ("Fill your plate") campaign Donations e.g. to hospitals, zoos, animal shelters, senior citizens' homes, war graves and the food banks
Governance measures
- Compliance with individual investor requirements, e.g. procurement guidelines and environmental standards
- High own compliance standards with attention to anti-corruption and conflicts of interest
- Prior check of contractual partners above a certain order volume with a view to corruption, among other things
- Special data protection organization beyond the standard
as an opportunity
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Our current FMZ Report Vol. 8