
MEC strengthens leasing team

Second team leader position filled and trainees taken on

MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG strengthened its leasing management resources in the first quarter of 2019. A second team management position was filled and the two leasing trainees were taken on.

Nils Grötzner took over responsibility as team leader in the Leasing Management division on 01.01.2019. Like his team leader colleague Axel Prescher, he reports to Christian Thiele, Head of Leasing Management. Nils Grötzner has been Leasing Manager at MEC since January 2014. Previously, he worked as a Leasing Manager for ECE in the West division for three years. Since joining MEC, he has mainly been responsible for the leasing of centers in the southwest and west of Germany, later in the north and northeast. Axel Prescher has been working for MEC since 01.01.2018 as Team Leader Region East and South.

MEC internal junior staff taken over
Das nun insgesamt 11 köpfige Leasingteam wird seit 01.03.2019 außerdem durch Vanessa Kraska und Max Schultheiss verstärkt. Die beiden neuen Leasingmanager haben bei der MEC ein internes Traineeprogramm absolviert.
In dem 18-monatigen Programm durchliefen die 27-jährige Vanessa Kraska und der 26-jährige Max Schultheiss insgesamt vier Module, um sich vom Leasing Management Trainee zum fertigen Leasing Manager ausbilden zu lassen.
„Die MEC wächst seit ihrem Bestehen. Mit den neuen Kollegen für die Vermietung und Konzeption unserer Center können wir nun diesem Wachstum Rechnung tragen“, freut sich der MEC Head of Leasing Ma-nagement, Christian Thiele.

Picture: Nils Grötzner, Team Leader Leasing Management at MEC.