Golden November: The Spitzkrug Multi Center in Frankfurt (Oder) is already the second property this month, for which MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG will assume the management.
The mandate was awarded by an investment company from Luxembourg, represented by Alteris Capital Partners LLP, and covers the commercial and technical property, center and leasing management. The operational aspect of the center and technical property management will remain on-site with the CENTIM Centermanagement- und Immobilienverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, who will act on behalf of MEC.
“We hope this constellation of the two management companies will bring the best from two worlds together. CENTIM has long-term experience with the location as well as a strong regional network. The MEC convinced us with its strong letting expertise, its position as clear market leader for retail parks and hybrid malls in Germany as well as its commercial expertise,” explains Patrick Pfeiffer, Investment Director, Alteris.
Spitzkrug Multi Center with magnetic effect beyond the Polish border
Das 1994 eröffnete Spitzkrug Multi Center, befindet sich am nördlichen Stadtrand von Frankfurt (Oder), direkt an der Bundesstraße B5. Das Hybrid Center ist damit verkehrlich sehr gut erschlossen und hat sich als Versorgungs- und Einkaufsstandort auch für Kunden aus dem Umland bis nach Polen etabliert. Auf der rund 25.000m² großen Verkaufsfläche befinden sich aktuell knapp 70 Geschäfte, darunter Kaufland, Adler, MediMax, Rossmann und Dänisches Bettenlager. Ergänzt wird die gesamte Agglomeration durch bekannte und attraktive Anbieter wie Edeka C&C oder Toom Baumarkt in unmittelbar angrenzenden Gebäuden in separater Eigentümerschaft.
Spitzkrug Multi Center receives fresh look
Comprehensive refurbishment measures have already been initiated at the Spitzkrug Multi Center in the past few months. More than 2 million euros have gone into the roof renovation and the technical building equipment. Beyond this, a comprehensive refurbishment of the general areas is to be carried out in the coming year, with the mall, the entry areas as well as the food court receiving a modern look with fresh colours and a new lighting concept.