
MEC determines six-figure earnings potential during the energy audit at 3 centers

In the spring of this year, MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG launched its new energy audit product EASY (Energy Audit System). The results of the first three energy audits performed are impressive: overall potential savings in the amount of more than €1 million were determined by the TÜV-certified Energy Auditor of MEC, Rainer Köpsell, at the Pfalz Center in Kaiserslautern, the Stern Center in Sindelfingen and at Förde Park in Flensburg.

The energy savings calculations always relate to a five-year period and take into account not only the requisite investments in the modernisation of technical equipment, but also organisational codes of conduct for energy-saving operations. By far the largest cost guzzlers at the audited centers are the lighting, followed by the conveyor technology such as moving pavements and ramps. "After deduction of the investment costs, a positive effect of around €400,000 can be achieved in five years at the three centers analysed. The payback period will be reached after just 2.5 years," says the CFO of MEC, Jann Robert, explaining the calculation to the owners.

"We were impressed by the EASY results. Even in the case of real estate that has been built in the last few years it is possible to achieve significant potential savings, so that we intend to have four more center sites analysed," says the Head of Corporate Asset Management Region Germany of METRO PROPERTIES, Christian Mielke.

Energy audit specifically for retail parks and shopping centers
With EASY, MEC has developed an energy audit product which is specifically designed for retail parks and shopping centers. EASY investigates the energy consumption of a retail real estate property, makes specific recommendations for sustainable potential savings and also implements the recommendations. "We generally need four to six days for the audit, depending on the size of the center. Then we present the results to the client, including a plan of action for the implementation of the energy saving measures that have been drawn up," is how Rainer Köpsell explains the procedure. The actual implementation then takes place on site in cooperation with the center management.

For further information about EASY: