
MEC looks back on a successful financial year 2017

In its 6th year in business, MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG looks back on another successful financial year: just under 70,000 m² leased, 10 new locations taken under management, and its first independent project development on the home stretch.

69,500 m² of retail parks leased

Die MEC hat im vergangenen Jahr Mietverträge für eine Fläche von insgesamt 69.500 m² erfolgreich neu abgeschlossen bzw. verlängert. Dazu zählen u.a. namhafte Händler wie Saturn, Medimax, Deichmann, Ernsting`s family, Tiger, Starbucks, Decathlon, Only, Engbers, Ciao Bel-la, Stokke, Stoff&Stil und Pitstop. „Wir freuen uns über das erfolgreiche letzte Jahr und die Steigerung der Vermietungsleistung um fast 5.000 m² im Vergleich zum vergangenen Jahr, was nicht zuletzt auf die hohe Mieterzufriedenheit in unseren Centern zurückzuführen ist“, so der COO der MEC, Christian Schröder.

On course for expansion: mandate for 10 new Centers

MEC was more successful than ever before in 2017, with its expansion to new locations. Overall, ten new centers from five different investors were added to the portfolio: Burgaupark Jena, Forum Stein, Helvetia Parc Groß-Gerau, Löwen Center in Leipzig, Nordseepassage Wilhelmshaven, Ostkreuz Center Oststeinbek, Real Frankfurt (Oder), Real Weimar, Spitzkrug Multi Center Frankfurt (Oder) and W1 Hamburg Wandsbek.

MEC implements its first independent project development

It is also pleasing that the first project development initiated and supported by MEC is now on the home stretch at the Durlach Center in Karlsruhe. Based on the planning permission granted at the end of 2016, the final phase of the structural engineering project is currently under way. The newly built rental spaces for dm drogerie-markt and Decathlon have already been made available for the interior design work. The opening to customers is planned for 26 April 2018.